
Showing posts from May, 2021

Dream land to cursed land: Story of Nauru

      Story of Nauru Can you imagine a country with distance of 21 Km and with population 10000 people? Yes, the country of “Nauru”. It is the world’s third smallest recognised country.            Top view of Nauru                                 'Nauru' - The world's smallest independent republic!  Though Nauru does not have any official capital. “Yaren”is considered as the capital of their country by local governing body.                          Yaren   Where is Nauru?   The country is located at a distance of 3000 km from Australia. Almost Delhi distance from Kanyakumari. But, this country is located in the sea. The island is located in the Pacific Ocean, which has many wonders. When John Burn, a British whale lover, set foot in this country in 1788, he named it the sweetest island, actually the island defines it. But soon the story of Nauru becomes a tragedy.           Beautiful view of Nauru Inevitable wealth: Nauru was once a flourishing  country because of its abu

Being alone for 4 years in a Ship

          Horrible Story of Aisha Ships are one of the greatest man-made giants. Human transportation has undergone various evolutions over time. To this day, freight is still shipped. The sizes of ships have also transformed a lot.                   Humongous Cargo ships Aisha from Syria joined the work in 2017 on such a 4,000 ton ship named MV AMAN. For two months everything went well. Suddenly one day the ship stops at the port of Adabia in Egypt. A letter reads, "The purchase of an anchor weighing 3 tons will cost $ 21,500, and the ship will not be allowed to move until then." Aisha signs the letter as told by the ship captain. "I didn't know then that it was the biggest mistake of my life," says Aisha. Yes, he became the legal guardian of the ship because he signed. Aisha cannot leave the ship until the owner of the ship pays the compensation.                                         Aisha Food and fuel are provided to the crew on board each day. The ship